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- Texts by Clio Van de Walle | lacompagnieindigo
Textes engagés, féministes et LGBT. Egalité hommes femmes. solidarité. Pièces de théâtre: Sanga, Bien né.e.s, Nuit ma liberté. ( seceonde place du concours du CDN du Quai d'Angers dirigé par Thomas Jolly) Textes de Clio Van de walle dans Castor magazine, Rubrique de Clio Van de walle: Le Dicks)- Ovaire. webzine Décadrée. Collage by Alice Diaz for the poem Jeux d'O Short texts Read the text Olympic Games Text - Clio Van de Walle Collage creation - Alice Diaz Poem against the tide Blog Faire signe - January 2024 The 2024 Olympics will be green or not... D-90 Seeing the world die live is priceless So hold on, it’s an overdose at the ticket office To attend you have to sell a kidney Deluxe rate with large bath atmosphere I'm outraged but that's the problem I have a place in the middle of Paris Even if I don't condone all of this I'm going to make a fortune on B'n b 2000 a night cannot be refused! Read the text Universe of Alice Diaz Olympic Games Text - Clio Van de Walle Collage creation - Alice Diaz Poem against the tide Blog Faire signe - January 2024 The 2024 Olympics will be green or not... D-90 Seeing the world die live is priceless So hold on, it’s an overdose at the ticket office To attend you have to sell a kidney Deluxe rate with large bath atmosphere I'm outraged but that's the problem I have a place in the middle of Paris Even if I don't condone all of this I'm going to make a fortune on B'n b 2000 a night cannot be refused! Olympic Games Text - Clio Van de Walle Collage creation - Alice Diaz Poem against the tide Blog Faire signe - January 2024 Read the text The 2024 Olympics will be green or not... D-90 Seeing the world die live is priceless So hold on, it’s an overdose at the ticket office To attend you have to sell a kidney Deluxe rate with large bath atmosphere I'm outraged but that's the problem I have a place in the middle of Paris Even if I don't condone all of this I'm going to make a fortune on B'n b 2000 a night cannot be refused! Read the text Kiddo Universe Les Lionnes Text - Clio Van de walle Drawing - Kiddo Porno- fiction > 16 years old? Publication Castor magazine - September 2022 Xena. A lioness with a bloody mouth, do you find that exciting? Kevin Kostner? He is over sixty years old! what is he doing there? Do you really think you're going to make guys horny with Kevin Kostner? Sidonix. I want to show what is in a woman's head when she is looking for her orgasm. Xena. But no one really cares. No one is interested in being in a woman’s head! You still don’t believe that I’m going to produce that! Read the text Un hic qui choque Text & drawing - Clio Van de walle Humor post on inclusive language Publication - Revue des Citoyens des lettres. (Switzerland) 11- 2020 Winning poem - Revue le Pan des Muses “The masculine prevails over the feminine.” I, a woman of the 21st century, how can I confront the members of my daughter's next class council, and make them understand that I refuse to allow my offspring to learn this outdated and absurd rule? While waiting to be confronted with the problem, I am launching this mood post to invite those who wish to question these grammatical-ancestral rules and to reappropriate their own language. “A Hic that shocks” is elected news of the month in the Literary review of Citizens of Letters. Read the text Universe of Mélody said Taille 35-41 Text - Clio Van de walle Illustration - Melody said Theatrical nowel Publication - Castor Magazine. March 2021 “Size 35 - 41” is the rant of Cinderella, the new non-binary muse of ® bags.Louis Croutton , who decides to take legal action against Charles Perrault's beneficiaries. This short text theatrically stages a total rethinking of the models of our childhood. When the princesses of the 21st century take the matter to court and demand a new writing of their tale, we revisit with humor and with anger the way in which we will tell their stories tomorrow. Read the text Universe of Nolan Caussin Niko - L a naissance du cygne Text - Clio Van de walle Photography - Nolan Caussin Frictional testimony Publication - Castor Magazine. June 2021 It's me, Niko. Whose first name is written in letters fire on the stage of a training that screams my name. Since my earliest childhood, I have had an inclusive and penetrating dream. The dream of a world where the grown-ups, the adults, the people in charge, do not lock up the bodies and names of children in the boxes of a prehistoric administration. Little girl in a boy's body, I put on my most beautiful pointe shoes, and set off to meet the person I have always been. “Niko – The birth of the swan” is published by Castor magazine in June 2021 in the LGBTQIAP+ poetry section. September 2021 issue The DécadréE team Dicks- Ovary Concept & text - Clio Van de walle Illustration - Delphine Luboz Imaginary section Monthly publication since August 2021 - DécadréE. Swiss Vocabulary, did you say vocabulary? Why do we choose to use one word and not another? Who decides that this or that word exists or does not exist? And above all, who decides the meaning of words? Immerse yourself in a completely crazy dictionary, an erotic and political dictionary that would allow words to change meaning as they change costumes! By having fun with the French language, I propose to imagine a world in whichLady of a Thousand Suction Cups is the latest fashionable sex position, and theLove pain is the most delicious of diseases... Open letter to Culture Text - Clio Van de walle Poetic tribune Mediapart blog publication. February 2022. I hear some people say that the worst has been avoided since the theaters do not close, and that we artists can continue to play? But what are we playing? And for whom? Before that day, we were talking about the fourth wall at the Theater. From today, we declare the national fifth wall project open. Refugees under this glass ceiling which prevents free spirits from sailing towards the stars, we hope that it protects us from all evils, this invisible wall. Is this what it means to be free? Is this what it means to be an artist? Read the text Ancre 3
- Mermaid Show | lacompagnieindigo
Un Riche Trois Pauvres, de Louis Calaferte est un spectacle mis en scène par Clio Van de walle, au Théâtre de Belleville et au Ciné 13 théâtre / (Théâtre Lepic). Attaché de presse: Alain pons. Musique: David Lynch, Marilyn manson, Kavinsky, Presse: l'Humanité, le parisien... Press One Rich Three Poor Lecture aquatique de la pièce de Clio Van de walle Maison des auteurs SACD - 20 janvier à 19h Dream theater “Don’t tin can poetry !” David Lynch's pink room, a balloon dress, a glitter gun, champagne, a survival blanket, traffic cones, a red telephone, the heel needle, a carrot eating contest, Mom, a lap- dance, a flashing light... Somewhere in the vast world, on the stage of a dreamlike and cinematic construction site, Louis Calaferte's characters propel us into the frenetic parade of a strong, excruciatingly funny and profoundly human theater. Pretending a circus performance, the show makes the marginalized, the bosses, the poor, the disabled, children, foreigners, those left behind, those who have everything, those who have nothing, talk and dance. . In a whirlwind articulated in thirty-three flash scenes, where the musical worlds of Kavinsky, Marilyn Manson and David Lynch mingle, the author holds up a magnifying mirror to the public and shows us what is cruelest in the 'Man, but also what is most laughable and most touching.
- Free dance class | lacompagnieindigo
Actus et infos sur les cours de théâtre pour adultes et adolescent.e.s, à la Manufacture de la chanson, Paris 11ème. Stages bilingues et trilingues en anglais et grec, Paris, londres, Athènes. Shakespeare, Molière, Racine... Stages dans le noir dirigés par clio Van de walle Le Point Ephémère, Canal Saint Martin "Free dance" international class Celebrate the body Her dancing body His broken body His ghosted, injured body His body muzzled His forgotten body Her soft body, her battered body Its curved or swollen body His tired body His forgotten body Her body on display Her body denied His crutch body His armchair body His body work tool Her body Instagram Her body in tragedy His slender body His body in full swing Her body too Or his body not enough Dancing and dressing His body freed Sessions 2024-25 all year around From 16 years old and with no age limit Every second Saturday of the month* from October 2024 to June 2025 *except in november: session on the 16th Grand Salle from 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Le Point Ephémère 200 Quai de Valmy 75010 Paris 20 euros per session - single rate (we welcome you all year round) Info - registrations So, let's dance? In the large room of Point Ephémère located upstairs with a view of the Canal St Martin, you will be welcomed into a caring group without judgment. The speaker will guide you in a very simple and discreet way so that you can make the most of this moment of freedom! After the dance (evolving playlist of approximately 1h10), we will exchange for a short time in a speaking circle, where those who wish can talk about their impressions and sensations experienced during the session. Finally after the sessions, I will suggest that you go for a coffee at the great Roof top at Point Ephémère. Schedule of sessions The sessions are guided in very discreet ways, and you can choose to follow this guidance...or not! The important thing is that you feel totally immersed in your sensations and emotions in an open and safe space. A playlist of evolving rythms, tailor-made for each session, will allow you to let yourself go and express yourself in a caring atmosphere. Each person evolves in their own space at their own pace, without any notion of doing well or achieving results. Jump for joy to Stevie Wonder, sing along with Kae Tempest, or lie back and dream to a native American song - you're totally free! The last 15 minutes will be reserved for a chat where we can share our impressions of the dance. After the session, if you feel like it, we'll have a drink on the roof top of Point Ephémère! Clio Van de Walle Received after my baccalaureate at the International Dance Academy of Paris, I must choose between dancing or theater... Finally, my choice fell towards the Cours Florent and therefore towards the studies of Dramatic Art, notably because of a phrase heard by an austere teacher: Ladies, shush! Dance is a silent art... After 20 years of classical and jazz dance at the Rocquencourt conservatory, after dance classes at the National Conservatory of Paris, I had to stop dancing following a persistent knee problem, which arose during the creation of a show. For ten years, I played on stage, created shows, practiced yoga, led acting courses that mixed body, text and music, but never found that magical feeling of power and freedom that dance provides. My love of dance never left me, but I stifled it. To the point that coming across a classical ballet on Arte was so painful that I had to skip it as quickly as possible, to the point that in my dreams, I constantly do the same movements over and over again: sliding, cat jumping, splits... . I rediscovered the pleasure of dancing and re-inhabiting my body years later by discovering the American technique of 5 rhythms dance in London but especially on the island of Crete with the wonderful Belgian teacher Joke Von Hoye. For a year, I danced every week in a huge wooden studio alongside an upturned boat hull with an immersive view of the Aegean Sea. I then realize to what extent this classical dance teacher was decidedly wrong... Dance is anything but a silent art! Les dates, horaires et p'tits trucs en + Samedi 12 octobre 2024 11h45-13h15 * Samedi 16 novembre 2024 11h45-13h15 Samedi 14 décembre 2024 11h45-13h15 Samedi 11 janvier 2025 11h45-13h15 Samedi 8 février 2025 11h45-13h15 Samedi 8 mars 2025 11h45-13h15 Samedi 12 avril 2025 11h45-13h15 Samedi 10 mai 2025 11h45-13h15 Samedi 14 juin 2025 11h45-13h15 Vous pouvez venir à une seule date, deux, trois... ou toutes les dates! * si possible arriver 15 min en avance le temps d'accéder à la salle, vous changer etc... Je viendrai chercher tout le monde dans le hall au rez de chaussée près du bar avant le début de la séance. Si retard demandez au bar l'accès au Grand Studio à l'étage. Tarif unique 20 euros - Paiement sur place de préférence avec l'appoint en liquide ou par chèque à l'ordre de La Compagnie Indigo Prévoir une tenue confortable, de l'eau ou tisane. On danse pieds nus ou en chaussettes! Le Point Ephémère en images Bienvenu au Point Ephémère! Entrée de folie près du Canal Saint Martin Vue du Studio de danse Bienvenu au Point Ephémère! 1/5
- Actions artistiques | lacompagnieindigo
Course Objects No identified Texts & readings
- Spectacles | lacompagnieindigo
Sanga A rich three poor